sense of warmth meaning in English
- On the morning of june 10 , 1999 , when the working team was preparing for the retreat and fellow initiates were beginning to arrive , our beloved master came to the retreat site by herself , which made us all feel a great sense of warmth in our hearts , although the weather was chilly
六月十日清晨,正当工作人员积极做准备工作、而同修们正陆续到达之时,我们亲爱的师父只身莅临,使同修们在寒冷的天气中备感温馨。 - On the morning of june 10 , 1999 , when the working team was preparing for the retreat and fellow initiates were beginning to arrive , our beloved master came to the retreat site by herself , which made us all feel a great sense of warmth in our hearts , although the weather was chilly